Megaminx Scramble and Algorithm Notation

For official WCA scrambles hold the hold the Megaminx with WHITE top and GREEN front. 

Cube Notation is letters and letter character combinations to describe specific turns on a Megaminx.  The purpose of notation is to easily describe an algorithm or a scramble. 

IMPORTANT: For the Megaminx, the notation used for scrambles differs from the notation used to describe algorithms.

Official WCA Scramble Notation:

In the official WCA Megaminx scramble notation, there are three types of turns: Right, Down, and Up. For the Right and Down turns, you will always perform a double turn. A "++" indicates a clockwise turn, while a "--" signifies a counterclockwise turn.


For Megaminx Algorithms we use a different notation. The images below illustrates the turns.

Outside Face Turns










Right Down



Left Down