Cases: 4

OLL stands for Orientation of the Last Layer. It is the third step in the CFOP Method. During the OLL step, the goal is to orient all the pieces on the last layer so that the top face of the cube is a single solid color. Once the OLL step is completed, the cube moves on to the final step, PLL (Permutation of the Last Layer), to finish solving the puzzle.


OLL 09
OLL 09

R U R' U' R' F R2 U R' U' F'

OLL 10
OLL 10

R U R' U R' F R F' R U2' R'

OLL 35
OLL 35

R U2' R2' F R F' R U2' R'

OLL 37
OLL 37

F R U' R' U' R U R' F'