7x7 Superflip Pattern

To make a the superflip pattern on the 7x7 you follow the following series of moves:

Bug Cube 7x7 Super flip Pattern Algorithm

1) Move the inner FIVE Layers clockwise (up) and the top layer (U) anticlockwise.  Do both these steps 4 times.

2) Then rotate the whole cube along the X-axis clockwise and along the Y-axis clockwise.

Repeat the above two steps 3 times.

3) Move the inner THREE Layers UP and the top TWO layers anticlockwise.  Do both these steps 4 times.

4) Then rotate the whole cube along the X-axis clockwise and along the Y-axis clockwise.

Repeat the above two steps 3 times.

5) Move the inner ONE Layers UP and the top THREE layers anticlockwise.  Do both these steps 4 times.

6) Then rotate the whole cube along the X-axis clockwise and along the Y-axis clockwise.

Repeat the above two steps 3 times.